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Low Battery


Your battery runs low

But the schedule says go

And so, you push it past the limit

Putting on an endless show

Until you find

You've lost the thrill

The skill you thought nothing could kill

And it's not dead

It's still alive

But you've forgotten how to thrive

You move from one thing to the next

Rarely pausing just to rest

And when you do

Your mind's not there

It's in the future

Everywhere except the present

The place you're meant to be

You're drowning in a sea

A sea of expectation and swelling anxiety

For too long

You've lived on stress

And this need to go, go, go

There's an irrational fear

That if you stop

Failure will grow

But I promise

It's okay

To ditch the checklist for a day

Feel the world around you

Let your worries fade away

Task completion is important

But it's not what life's about

Progress won't bring joy

If your battery's run out


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